Our Family has been showing Several Counties just How much we care and Show Our Support
by helping the many organizations & Businesses. We believe in Neighbors Helping Neighbors.
But sometimes we too need a hand. We spend hours putting together and listing new things
all the time. Which cost us money to do this. Which is why we appreciate those who become
a Sponsor, which helps allow us to continue to do this.
Some ask about Sponsorship Levels
Gold Sponsors are $100 and Above
If you give $250- we list that Sponsor for 1 year
If you give $100- we list that Sponsor for 6 Months
Silver Sponsor are below $100
If you Give $50- we list that Sponsor for 3 Months
Now if a Sponsor has a website or Facebook link, we let people know they can click
the Sponsors Picture if they like to learn more about their business.
Thank you so much for help showing Support Back
If you like to be a Sponsor
email us at: WhatsHappeningintheMountains@gmail.com
letting us know, give us the information, your name of business,
Address, City, and Phone Number.
Mail a check to:
What's Happening in the Mountains
P.O. Box 782
Fairplay,CO. 80440
On check memo: write saying Whats Happening (Website Sponsor)
Note: Send letter with check, giving Name of Business, address, Phone Number,
website if available. And Owner of Business Name & Phone Number
We have had non businesses who have also become sponsors, if this is the
case, say non business, and whatever name you wish it to say for sponsorship
appreciation can be shown.
Thank you,
Michelle Adams