Why Become A Member?
Our Main Goal: is to help
Local Businesses & Non-Profits.
And this is how it works:
When you become a member, it is $80, but members who
give over the membership price, Example: If you give $100
then 20 dollars will go into a collection.
Members can give any amount they like, Anything over $80,
will go into a collection. Then members vote on Dec.1st on
a Business or Non-Profit they feel could use the money.
With the most votes choice. And the more support the
members make, the more hopefully we all can help out.
At the end of the year on Dec. 1st, ALL MEMBERS will email
in What business or Non-Profit, they feel really could help their
cause or help a business in need.
Must be legit & Licensed whom they wish to vote for.
And in Park County
The vote will only be accepted on Dec. 1st and
no other date.
Members email in their vote
They must give the Name, address, and phone number.
And a mailing address of the Local Business or Non-Profit.
The easiest way for us to contact them is by.
We at: W.H.IN.T.M. will have no vote or choices to give.
We want the members to have full choice.
All we will do is take into account of votes and be sure legit.
Now let's say we raise for Example $10,000.00
We want all members to know, we are a business too.
So this money will be taxed. So if raised $10,000.00
If we are taxed $2000.00, then the amount would be
$8000.00 to the Voter's Choice.
Also if we make $2000 or more then the money will not all
go to just one business or non-profit. It would be spread out
to help multiple.
After-Tax time of April 15th, we will send out the Check/s to the Business or Non-Profit that votes to whoever got the most
votes for.
If you wondering why vote for a Business? Well, I think we all
know how tough it can be. And maybe you know of a Business
that could use a hand. This is a chance to maybe help them out.
And we will email out to all members who the final votes were for.
We appreciate all those who help with our community.
Then W.H.IN.T.M will try their best to choose a
Local Business or Non-Profit, (more than one).
But to be honest we prefer the members to do the voting.
And if only one or two people vote, we will jump in and
help because this is for a good cause. That's why we
feel it's important for members to vote.
Benefits of our Members:
*All Members will be listed on this website.
Businesses: On Business Directory OR Local Guide
Non-Business: On Thank You For Your Support Page
* And can email in 1 ad, Once a month
How does this work?
Once a month, on the 15th Only, and no other dates, members can send in their ad, which will get emailed out to a list of people. Each member is to give us two email addresses that permit them to receive our Newsletter on the Park County Local ads from businesses once a month. Note: If member of more than one county, you must in email state each county your a member of.
What size of ad is allowed to be sent in?
Members can send in their ad
from 1/4 page size up to 1/2 page size
1/4 Page ad-3.75 Inches x 5 Inches height
1/2 Page ad-7.75 Inches x 5 Inches height
Your size of add does not have to be exactly these
measurements, these are just to show nothing bigger.
NOTE: JANUARY & FEBRUARY ARE THE ONLY DATES WE DON'T SEND OUT EMAILS. The reason is just like all businesses we too have to work on our taxes for the year.
Do You Have to be a Business to be a member?
​No, you don't. If you like to be a member, and maybe like to show off your crafts or wish to list an event, or garage sale, this would be ok. The same applies to one ad per month, no bigger than 1/2 page.
A Non Business- If you just wish to show support for a Good Cause, this would be most appreciated, with no monthly ad, we can just list your name or if you like anonymous can be put down with the amount of support given.
Do you have to place an ad?
No not at all, we provide this option
for all our members.
Will a newsletter go out each month?
Yes, If members send in their ad, then there
will be a newsletter sent out. If non send in
then no. The whole point is to offer members a way
of advertising. And not in January or February.
Does the ad have to be about a sale?
No, members can send in a business ad
about their company, Events, auctions,
Maybe a Business like to share its hours
of being open has changed. Or they have
a special dinner menu happening that month
But members are welcome to list the
following store sales, garage sale, a product
craft they make & sale, (note not something
they wish to get rid of and trying to sale items).
When do members send in their ad?
15th of each month, and not accepted
on any other dates, email us your ad to:
What is Required when sending in ad?
Can I be a MEMBER of more then one county?
Yes, But each county you wish to be under is
$80 each. And will be listed in all counties you wish
to be a MEMBER of. As well as sending in ad.
What other counties can I be a member of?
Summit, Teller, (Jefferson, which only covers
Conifer, Pine, Evergreen Areas) COMING
NOTE: Park County is the only membership
available for 2025. Other counties will start
in 2026.
If I become a MEMBER of more than one county,
and I give extra to help out a Local Business
or a non-profit. How do I let you know which
county I wish to give the extra to?
When mailing in a check: Put down in a typed-out
letter all Counties you want to be a member.
Remember each county you join is $80 each.
Example You wish to be a MEMBER of Park,
Summit & Jefferson, that be $240, then you give
extra to show support will say you send in $300
instead. In the letter say what county you want
the $60 to go to or that you like it divided
between all 3 counties.