The Full Story
We have been showing support to our local community for the last four years.
And now we wish to step it up another notch
Starting where people become a member for $60 a Year
Anything they give over the amount of $60 will go into a collection
On Dec. 1st ALL MEMERS-Will be able to vote what Non-Profit
or if they know of a Local Business that they feel could use some help.
Then about April 15th-Funds will be mailed out to them.
If this becomes really successful, example we make $20,000,
then instead of giving all to just one, we would divide it up
and spread the funds with others in need.
As we are a Business ourself as well and are not a non-profit
we will be taxed for all funds brought in, so we are letting you know.
Taxes will have to come out of this, as we can not afford to be in the hole.
So if we make $20,000.00 and tax time comes around and says we owe
for example $2000.00, then it be $18000.00 to go to a Good Cause.
To help our community
Showing support by giving back
to Non-Profits or
Local Business in Need
To the members, they can email in each month, on the 15th, and on no other date, any special or ad they wish to share that will be emailed out to others.
Note: Ads need to be just smaller then
a half page or smaller accepted.
Only months this wont happen on
will be Januarary & Feburary.
Reason is just like everyone else
we have to do our taxes too.
ALL MEMBERS, when signing up to join
email us saying you wish to be a member.